Feed yourself beautiful : Green Magma

I have discovered this green product somewhat recently, and I can't rave enough about it. We all know by now that beautiful skin starts on the inside and what we eat is just as important as the topical products we use on our skin. There is a whole new concept out there, products called skinceuticals, referring to products that can help you and your skin from the inside.
More and more we are aware of things such as antioxidants, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals etc... And what they can do for our health and appearance. I, for one am absolutely fascinated with this, and look to nature in order to find new things that can help nourish me, my skin, my mind and my body.
So, on to Green Magma. What is it? Why is it so special? What does it do and how can it help?
Green Magma is, as the name suggests, a green supplement. It is barley grass juice powder. This baby can help you rejuvenate yourself, it gives you energy, its alkaline (good!!!), and helps detox and replenish your body. It contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, chlorophyll, carotenoids, flavonoids, and other valuable phytochemicals that support every system of the body.  I like to use this periodically in order to gently cleanse, combined with other detox methods I might be trying out. I feel my energy levels boosted, literally feel recharged, and not in the hyper caffeinated way; my skin starts looking better, my digestion is improved and it helps me get a grip on my weight. It`s a great way to add nutrients to my diet, especially in winter when it is so hard to eat fresh, nutritious food, when vegetables are limited and come from far away. 
I like to drink my Green Magma with organic apple juice, but it can be mixed in smoothies, or plain water. I am truly in love with this supplement, simple, plain yet so efficient and full of benefits.
It`s great for vegans, vegetarians, and those who have gluten sensitivities.
You can check out their website for more information, https://www.greenfoods.com/index.php?main_page=index, they have plenty of resources that can provide more information, and they can send you free samples to try out.
I get mine locally, at KI, in Montreal. (Super deals on Green Magma)

*FYI I have purchased all the products with my own money. I wasn`t compensated in any way for this review.

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